Dave Tavani Photographer Philadelphia
Ciera Sampson anchors the Nativity BVM team to victory in the Philadelphia Archdiocese Senior Girls 4x100 at the Penn Relays on April 23. Alex Patrick, Rachel Tusar, and Ally Kirkpatrick ran the first three legs respectively. Nativity BVM finished in a time of 53.02 seconds.

Penn Relays 2010 Philadelphia Catholic Schools

24 image(s)
Ciera Sampson anchors the Nativity BVM team to victory in the Philadelphia Archdiocese Senior Girls 4x100 at the Penn Relays on April 23. Alex Patrick, Rachel Tusar, and Ally Kirkpatrick ran the first three legs respectively. Nativity BVM finished in a time of 53.02 seconds.
  • Date 23 Apr 2010
  • Location
  • Filename PennRelays2010-Catholic-103.jpg
  • Image size 5184x3456 pixels